加拿大移民及教育中心(CIEC),加拿大卓越国际教育(ECIC) 分别成立于1999年和于2010年,在安省和联邦注册,总部位于加拿大安省的奥克维尔市。在北京设有常驻机构,负责当地留学和移民的联络和咨询工作。公司成立17年来与加拿大安大略省、BC省、阿尔伯塔省、魁北克省及曼尼托巴省的五十余所加拿大著名高中,大专和大学建立了良好合作关系。同时,公司与中国大陆多家知名留学中介签订长期合作协议,成功帮助2500多名中国学生取得了赴加拿大留学签证,70% 的毕业生成功移民加拿大,开始了他们的新生活! Canada Immigration and Education Center (CIEC) and Educmax Canada International Corp (ECIC) were established respectively in 1999 and 2010, registered with Ontario provincial and federal governments, head office is located in Oakville, Ontario with liaison office in Beijing providing daily consulting services to local students. For the past 17 years, strong partnership has been built with over 50 high schools, colleges and universities in the provinces of Ontario, BC, Alberta, Quebec as well as Manitoba. Meanwhile, long term collaboration agreements were signed with major well-known Chinese overseas studying consulting agencies, under our joint efforts, over 2500 Chinese students have been introduced to study in Canada, 70% of our students successfully immigrated to Canada, started their new lifes, we are very proud of what our students have achieved in Canada! In addition, we are also providing air port pick-up and custodianship services for our students, over 280 homestay families in Ontario are ready to serve students from overseas. For Canadian education institutions, we are in the position to provide summer camps organizing, seminar arrangements as well as seeking sister school partnership opportunities in Asian countries. We hope we could work as a bridge between Canada and China to build a better world for our younger generation! |